Bumblebee From Transformers

Bumblebee From Transformers. Chevy Camaro Transformers
  • Chevy Camaro Transformers

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 10, 09:07 AM
    Yea, I know what you mean. Apple needs to get on the ball with that already. They have been shipping dual core machines for a while yet OS X cant truly take advantage of it. Since intel will be using more cores as time goes by it only makes sense for OS X and it's apps to be able to harness the full power of all the cores/processors. I really really hope thats what they have planned for Leopard. Maybe its one of the " Super Secret Features" ??? :rolleyes:

    I think that Apple is still working on a gamer machine. I can only assume tat it will be Mac Pro based or a new enclosure. They currently do not support SLI (need support), are using buffered memory (slow), and needs to be user upgradable. I think it is coming but not untl some time next year.

    Open GL suporting multiple cores and multiple GPU power agregation is likely to be the ticket so insane performance that blows the rest. But I think it will wait until Leopard to be released. I am sure the next revision 10.4.8 will take us part of the way, but multi cpu, multi-package, multicores are comming. In Jan we should see 2 Quad cores in the Mac Pro and an even better dual Quad in summer. Only Leopard will be able to unleash the power.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers Bumblebee Costume
  • Transformers Bumblebee Costume

  • lmalave
    Oct 27, 10:12 AM
    Exactly. There was no violence, no rowdiness. This is how the current mindf*cks work. People hear that a group or activist with views counter to the needs of govenrment and big business and their heads immediately fills with images of extreme millitancy. As I said - they handed out leaflets. That's it.

    It's the same when the intelligence services and police stage 'terror raids' on houses where the inhabitants have no connection to terror. People immediately think 'Ahh, they've got those terrorist scum...' When the suspects are released without charge no one asks how zero evidence can possibly lead to an armed raid.

    No, in the case of Greenpeace, most people's experience is probably formed from *first-hand* experience of being approached on city streets. I've certainly been approached dozens of times here in NYC. Personally, Greenpeace doesn't bother me. But Greenpeace reps usually *are* quite insistent, and that behavior is legal on a city street, but does not have to be tolerated on private property.

    I mean, it's easy for me to brush people off here in NYC because I'm used to it (constantly get approached by panhandlers, palm readers, political activists, etc.). But at a convention, people whoe weren't used to that probably allowed themselves to be stopped and then had their ears talked off for a few minutes, because they were just too nice to brush off a pretty young girl (which most Greenpeace reps are because they know that people will be much nicer to them on average than to, say, a young punk-ass male). So these people probably didn't say anything to the Greenpeace rep's face, but then turned around and noted a complaint with MacExpo. MacExpo probably received a few of these complaints and decided enough was enough...

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Here#39;s a Bumblebee toy with a
  • Here#39;s a Bumblebee toy with a

  • deputy_doofy
    Sep 14, 11:02 AM
    Dell currently quotes 9-22. Or did yesterday when I placed an order.

    Just checked again. It does appear that laptops are ready to go on 9-22, 9-25, and 9-27, depending on which model and size. Still, that gives Apple some "breathing room" to release theirs.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers 2 Human Alliance
  • Transformers 2 Human Alliance

  • M87
    Apr 22, 02:10 AM
    How does streaming music to my iPhone help me, when O2 cap my Internet usage, and then charge when you use more.

    Perhaps if they let you cache songs.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers Toys - Bumblebee
  • Transformers Toys - Bumblebee

  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 14, 08:38 AM
    If Apple can show a version of Aperture which will run smoothly on a Mac Pro, then my two grand is practically theirs already...

    An iCamera (CameraPro?) of some kind would be nice, though highly unlikely.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Star Trek/Transformers team
  • Star Trek/Transformers team

  • r1ch4rd
    Apr 25, 06:08 AM
    OP - I got bored reading all of the posts on here, but here are my 2 cents.

    If you ask me, you are completely in the wrong. Here in the UK the law would agree and you would lose your license. If you had been going a little faster it's an instant ban even on an empty road.

    However, the legal side doesn't matter. It's not going to be much comfort to you who is right or wrong when someone hits you from behind and gives you whiplash (or worse!).

    The speed limit is there for a reason. It's to protect you and those around you when something goes wrong. Don't act like it will never happen to you, because it might!

    I recently aquaplaned during wet weather. It was my own fault, I was going too fast, but I wasn't over the speed limit. Luckily I was able to control the car and came to a stop slightly off the road. Any faster, I could have hit another driver or gone into the crash barrier. It's scary how quickly you can lose control (you can really feel the steering going and the back end shifting out!).

    Try to learn from what others here are telling you rather than leaving it to experience later.

    My Dad was a fireman. To this day he won't speak to me about some aspects of his job (in particular, car accidents) because of just how horrific they can be!

    Bumblebee From Transformers. umblebee-transformer-cartoon1
  • umblebee-transformer-cartoon1

  • joepunk
    Apr 18, 12:17 AM
    ...and SuperCachetes, I was under the impression that US jobs were going out of the country bc we can't afford Union price tags. But if you "think" making labor more expensive will spur hiring, then keep "thinking" that with your "brain" ;)

    americanmanufacturing.org (http://americanmanufacturing.org/blog/alliance-american-manufacturing-statement-latest-monthly-job-numbers)

    The latest monthly U.S. jobs numbers were released this morning. They showed an increase of 33,000 manufacturing jobs in February. Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 192,000, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 8.9 percent.

    Said Alliance for American Manufacturing (AAM) Executive Director Scott Paul:

    "The fact that 33,000 manufacturing jobs were added in February is good news, but we have a long way to go to undo the damage of the recession as well as China's mercantilism over the past decade. There is no doubt that the Obama Administration's rescue plan for our auto sector is playing a role in the growth in manufacturing employment. But, we risk losing these gains unless we can get our trade deficit with China under control. We continue to lose not only factories, but also entire industries, to China. We need to see a much more aggressive stance in Congress and the Administration on China's mercantilist practices."

    The U.S. has been losing manufacturing jobs for the last decade not because of Unions but because of the cheap labour that is offered from places like China.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers Allspark Blaster
  • Transformers Allspark Blaster

  • Squire
    Sep 4, 06:50 PM
    "Media Device" = Does it include an iPod Video?

    This would somewhat explain why the Paris Expo was given the cold shoulder.
    "Bonjour, mes amis! The iTunes Movie Store is finally here! (but only in the U.S.)"

    This way, they announce the store but also get a chance to demo the product at the Expo.


    Bumblebee From Transformers. It wouldn#39;t be a Transformers
  • It wouldn#39;t be a Transformers

  • portishead
    May 3, 10:54 AM
    SATA III? And if so on all of them or is optical still II like the laptops?

    This is what I want to know also. OCZ Vertex III!

    Bumblebee From Transformers. quot;Transformersquot; Bumblebee
  • quot;Transformersquot; Bumblebee

  • djrobsd
    Apr 14, 12:43 PM
    This is seriously bad news for Thunderbolt. This is just like Intel supporting both USB 2.0 and Firewire in the past... Thunderbolt will be a specialized gig for the Macs, just like Firewire was, and most PC users will end up using USB...

    Intel should have stood their ground on Thunderbolt... Would have pushed component manufacturers to make more Thunderbolt devices, now we're going to have a mish mash, and those of us with Macs are getting the shaft because we won't get USB 3.0 from Apple...

    Hopefully there will be adapters and converters.. And hopefully Apple will get their heads out of their asses on the next refresh and add BOTH USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt to give us consumers maximum flexibility.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Full HD Wallpapers - Bumblebee
  • Full HD Wallpapers - Bumblebee

  • Spyriadon
    Apr 30, 01:29 PM
    Also the obligatory:

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers BumbleBee
  • Transformers BumbleBee

  • tsugaru
    Mar 22, 03:18 PM
    As for proc choices, I don't see Apple putting in a 2x00(S) processor.

    - marketing would suck for it (why only 2.8GHz stock on the 2600S vs 3.4GHz stock on the 2600?)
    - Intel charges more for the S models (dunno if that carries over to Apple, but maybe)
    - the 27" has carried the i7-860 and i7-870 easily. Those are both 95W TDP processors. 2600S -> 65W TDP and the 2600/2600K -> 95W TDP. So the TDP doesn't increase, but the speed does.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. The name or term Bumblebee
  • The name or term Bumblebee

  • CheeseFrog
    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    I agree with you. if someone is drunk and is still able to operate the app they could be a hazard if they avoid these points.
    That's GREAT. Call me crazy, but I actually want to know where these streets are that drunks are avoiding so that I can take them and not have to worry about getting t-boned by Drunky McDrunkerton.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Bumblebee and Optimus
  • Bumblebee and Optimus

  • androiphone
    Apr 20, 02:00 PM
    *Shrug* It is probably a feature enabled on the majority of GSM carriers for statistical purposes. Again, I don't see the problem. If this information is used to improve my network coverage, why should I care? If I'm not part of a secret terrorist cell, I don't see how my life is being negatively impacted by this information especially if it does not have any identifiable information attached to it.

    Apparently this feature is not enabled on Verizon phones.

    seriously did you not watch the video?
    mobile phone providers collect location data themselves from all phone automatically, this information is separately collected away from the mobile networks and is not (as we know) not given to the networks (and apple don't even collect it) and only stored locally.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers Bumblebee Voie
  • Transformers Bumblebee Voie

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 22, 02:05 PM
    Netbooks do not have optical drives. Ultraportables do.

    The MBA looks good as a netbook. It looks bad as an ultraportable.

    MBA and MBP are two different markets.

    MBA is for people that want light. MBP is for people that want a full featured notebook.

    So you want a big MBA.

    If they could have the same processors, that would happen already at 13".

    So, ONE netbook which has an optical drive. Which makes the MBA look bad because it doesn't have one.

    Actually, most netbooks make the MBA look bad because it doesn't have gigabit ethernet.

    And a 15" Zacate which is not a notebook because the CPU is too weak, it's not a netbook, and it's not an ultraportable because it's too big would make an MBP without optical disk look bad because of the price, even if it has little reason to exist (unclassifiable in a bad way).

    I heard the name HP Envy, but I never bothered looking what it is. So yes, I ignore it.

    So, if there's no option to have heated seats in the Audi, that looks bad.

    My god, I haven't found myself reaching for the ignore button on this forum in a long time. You've just reset that timer.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. two popular Transformers
  • two popular Transformers

  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 9, 10:19 AM
    Faster processor, double the RAM, cheaper AND 21-37% better game performance:

    New 17" C2D is 37% faster in UT 2004 than old 17" CD.
    New 17" C2D is 21% faster in UT 2004 than old 20" CD.
    New 20" C2D is 37.5% faster in UT 2004 than old 20" CD.

    and I don't even play UT 2004 ;).

    I think more than anything the facts that they are cheaper and faster the previous models are more impressive than anything else and with tempt a lot of people to join the "dark side" of Mac.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. www.transformersgame.com/.
  • www.transformersgame.com/.

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 29, 02:21 PM
    As far as windows phone market share passing iPhone ever - I'll believe that $#*% when I see it.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. The Transformers Mighty Muggs
  • The Transformers Mighty Muggs

  • miranon
    Aug 28, 05:53 PM
    They were not the first with core duo, nor with woodrest.

    Bumblebee From Transformers. Transformers Bumblebee modo
  • Transformers Bumblebee modo

  • Bomino
    Apr 25, 03:02 AM
    You certainly ain't the only one. Obvious troll is obvious.

    i thought this from my first post, but his join date is 08, and he's a regular. that is what has me thinking that what he is saying is really how he thinks/acts.

    Nov 13, 04:01 PM
    Exactly, they are technically different operating systems. But even so, just because an OS gives you access to specific images, doesn't give you the rights to take them and use them for something else. Obviously RA had to pull the image from the API and then save it to another file and use it in their iPhone application. Just because it is accessible via API doesn't mean it is free to use. The API is free to use, the data is not.

    Example. You buy a CD of a song, you can play it on your CD player. You can use it all you want in your CD player, but try ripping that song off (ie copying the image from the API) and using it in a movie you're making.. Guess what, you can't.

    That's not at all what happens. The api is designed to return those specific images - that's all it's for. It's like if Apple provides an API for providing directory listings, then complains because it's got a trademark on the word "library" when used in a directory structure.

    Sep 14, 05:36 PM
    One thing I noted on the old page 2 thread was the possibility of a REAL Photo iPod - more like my Epson P-4000. It could double as a video player for the new "higher res" iTunes video downloads.

    But back to the photo crowd. Wouldn't it be sweet to have a larger Photo iPod that was integrated into Aperture ...

    1. High speed internal CF and SD card inputs in this larger case

    2. Full support for RAW and RAW zooming

    3. Under a pound / 450 g in weight

    4. Large, bright 640 x 480 screen

    5. Killer feature: Aperture keyword / ranking / stacking functions on the iPod!!

    You're on the road shooting, and traveling light. During breaks you upload your CF/SD cards to the new "Aperture.iPod". When you're sitting in a cafe, back at your hotel, or taking a train home you whip out the Aperture.iPod and using the Keywords.plist you uploaded from Aperture before you left you start Stacking, key-wording, and ranking images.

    Next day you head to your studio, upload the new images from the Aperture.iPod to your MP 3Ghz (w/16 GB RAM and 3 TB of HDs!), and the first pass of your sorting is already done!

    Aperture is SUPPOSED to be about meshing cool software with Apple hardware to make the professional (and dedicated amateur) photographer's life easier. I'm 99% sure this press conference will be about how Aperture and Apple hardware let's you focus on creative shooting, not IT issues.

    That'd be very nice, but I think that's too niche for Apple to get into. Although Apple does take its photography seriously, it only really produces hardware that is versatile and can be used for many different tasks - i.e. although the Mac Pro is serious photograhpy equipment, it can also be serious movie editing or CAD equipment. Infact, I can't think of any hardware made by Apple that is specifically photography directed.

    Then again, there's nothing to say they won't break the habit of a lifetime.

    Sep 16, 12:41 AM
    100 songs.. that's it? Come on! they can do better than that! at least 4 gb...

    Apr 28, 05:31 PM
    Apple and MS haven't competed against each other since 1993. And back then it was still just on the OS.

    Apple has always competed against the entire Wintel PC market...not just Microsoft's Windows OS.

    It's all about 2 different business models, essentially centering at the OS:

    1)Apple makes, sells, supports the Mac OS and Mac hardware

    2)Microsoft, on the other hand, simply creates the OS and licenses it to hardware vendors.

    Of course Microsoft is unhappy with this breaking news but they, again, are 2 completely different business models. One could write a small book on the topic.
    Why is it all the intelligent posts come from people without solely Apple products littering their signature?

    Westside guy
    Sep 5, 03:16 PM
    This could be either really big or really bad.

    Well, based on past experience here - no matter what is announced, there will be people on this forum complaining that it isn't enough. :p We'll have to wait and see how it (whatever "it" is) plays in Peoria over time.

    Personally I'm hoping for the AV streaming device; and if it ties in with my Tivo that'll be a big plus. :D