Argonaut Hotel San Francisco

Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. The Argonaut caters to
  • The Argonaut caters to

  • donlphi
    Sep 16, 12:54 PM
    I'm soooo over the iPhone idea. I'm sort of hoping Apple comes out with iTelegraph or iMorse Code. RETRO IS VERY IN RIGHT NOW!

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. The Argonaut caters to
  • The Argonaut caters to

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 10, 09:06 AM
    I am quite sure that the software writers will take full advantage of the current hardware.
    Isnt it normally so, that apps push the evolution of the hardware?

    Some applications just can't be multithreaded and writing reliable multi threaded applications is damned hard still.

    Back in the early 90s I was using ICL DAPs which had a grid of 1024 CPUs. You could fly through a Mandlebrot set in realtime or analyse weather patterns quicker than anything else at the time short of a couple of Crays. A Mac SE/30 however was quicker at handling files and we used to use that to handle the normal stuff.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Wharf, San Francisco
  • Wharf, San Francisco

  • 3goldens
    Apr 4, 12:05 PM
    shot in the head! seems a little severe for a mall cop!

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. The Argonaut Hotel, a boutique
  • The Argonaut Hotel, a boutique

  • Roller
    Sep 4, 06:53 PM
    Not too many details: would this stream movies already downloaded or let you download/view simultaneously (like view on demand)?

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel
  • Argonaut Hotel

  • izzle22
    Oct 12, 08:25 PM
    Yes, I'm sure you came to that conclusion after spending countless hours with the man, learning about him, talking with him, and generally getting to know him on a human-to-human level.

    Cuz, if you're just saying that he sucks as a person without having done that, it would mean you're a very sad and judgmental person who should spend much less time worrying about celebrities.

    So its a good thing you got to know him before you said that, otherwise it is you who would suck.


    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Reception: Argonaut Hotel
  • Reception: Argonaut Hotel

  • dib
    Aug 29, 07:18 AM
    You upgraded RAM and HD through Apple?

    Yes. There are upgrade options on line, with extra discount for ed purchases.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • iRobby
    Apr 22, 03:00 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?

    Not sure how I feel about this or if I'd use it til details are released by Apple. For those not interested know this is an option we can continue using our hard drives on desktops as well as IOS Devices like we are now. Personally, I may just use DropBox for access to all my files including music unless this program has major industry revolutionary characteristics.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • shecky
    Sep 14, 09:51 AM
    You guys are just delusional at this point.

    MBP C2D IS going to happen. sometime between now and (for example) a year from now. saying "there is no way they will get announced on the 24th becuase its a photo event" is quite simply ignorant. it most certainly MAY happn, and the other machines that were released at the last photo event as mentioned above proove there is even a precident for it happening. i personally think its seems reasonably likely it will happen on the 24th, tho i would not bet on it.

    edit: removal of an uneccesary comment

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • eye
    Mar 23, 06:25 PM
    Pull them... As trauma surgeon I see the tragedies caused by drunk drivers EVERY Day. Whoever is on agreement to provide means to avoid check points is invited to my local trauma center to see the victims and their families. If we can save one life, one innocent student or parent, even someone who made the mistake of drinking and driving... I would consider this worth.

    Besides, the cost of taking care of those who do not die, but spend weeks months or years in the hospital due to a drinking related accident is enormous.

    Speed radars are another big issue. In my state, its ok to refuse a helmet while driving a donor-cycle, as we call them, yesterday alone, we lost one kid who is waiting for transplant procurement and half a dozen were admitted with severe injuries most of them traumatic brain injuries while driving motorcycles.

    And what if the apps encourage people to not drink and and drive? You're basing this on nothing. No facts whatsoever on whether or not this will promote or make drunk driving easier. Please don't be my surgeon if you're not into facts.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut, a Kimpton Hotel
  • Argonaut, a Kimpton Hotel

  • Apple Shmapple
    Sep 12, 03:09 PM
    Looks like the iPods are still at 5G with some tweaks, which is weird considering they had a whole year. .

    That is the common sense reaction. You're seeing mac zealots here trying to trumpet how great these new iPods are.

    Updating a 4:3 screen with another 4:3 screen and claiming it's improved is like Yugo rereleasing their car and claiming it's improved because the gas cap is a different color. It's still a Yugo.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut, a Kimpton Hotel
  • Argonaut, a Kimpton Hotel

  • QCassidy352
    Sep 12, 02:14 PM
    all good improvements, but pretty disappointing considering that the 5G was approaching 1 year since release.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • Maxx Power
    Oct 27, 05:29 PM
    I was thinking of buying an iPod Shuffle for my niece for Xmas but she'll be getting something else instead. My MacBook purchase is on hold as well.

    Well, always nice to see someone taking a stand! I'm sure your niece will be proud of you too, once she can understand why you did what you did.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut, a Kimpton Hotel
  • Argonaut, a Kimpton Hotel

  • steviem
    Apr 25, 10:33 AM
    Holy crap. I just finished reading the thread. Please stay off the road. You did this **** in your moms E60 M5 with 500 HP? I know where this story is heading. Soon you will take that car to an abandoned airport with 3 of your friends which then you will flip it and kill you and your friends. Or you will do that 155 MPH in a neighborhood. These two examples are true stories of 16-18 year olds kids with an E60 M5 who shared the exact same attitude as you and did those stunts. Please do not drive, learn to fly, etc until you gain the maturity to handle these machines.

    You will respond to my post saying that you will never do what those people did. That you're a safe driver and claim you will never do that. Guess what pal? Those kids also claimed the exact same thing. Now four people are dead and the other is screwed.

    I don't even want him on a pedal bike!

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • aricher
    Oct 12, 12:58 PM
    Oh Bono...

    I hope he sterilized that cheek with a blowtorch after the show. Whatever, at least he's a whore for good causes.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • gregorypierce
    Apr 11, 02:28 AM
    Unlikely - this would require the new private key be embedded in the firmware update package, which would defeat the purpose of replacing the old key.

    This is a fundamental issue with DRM solutions - you, as the consumer, have to hold the private key. They (Apple) can obfuscate where that key is, but in the end it has to be accessible in some manner. It's the same thing with iTunes DRM. If someone cares enough, they can almost certainly retrieve the private key (which is how Requiem works).

    I'm guessing Apple may make some half-hearted move or another; but I doubt they care all that much.

    Indeed, because any company that tries to take advantage of that can almost certainly be sued by Apple with little issue.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • boncellis
    Sep 5, 07:25 PM
    There's no point in having a hard drive, why would you even want it if you can stream in real time from your computer? And why make it a "mini" size box when it can just be something tiny enough to hold AV outputs?

    This is what I had anticipated a while back, but Apple went and invested in the Mini as the quasi-set-top-box. I'm not saying it's not possible, but I wonder if they would change horses mid stream, as it were. I think the video AE would be cool, but it's not quite mainstream enough for regular folk. The Mini, on the other hand, would be sufficiently mainstream if Apple cut the price a little bit and made Front Row a little more robust (and included a DVI to HDMI cable ;)).

    Of course, I can see both sides of the argument.

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco
  • Argonaut Hotel - 495 Jefferson Street - San Francisco

  • doctor-don
    Apr 11, 08:41 AM
    Try proofing before posting articles.

    "especially when there it is possible to be an officially licensed AirPlay partner."

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Argonaut, A Kimpton Hotel, San
  • Argonaut, A Kimpton Hotel, San

  • retroactiv
    Mar 29, 11:43 AM
    What? I don't get it.

    You cannot CUT and paste in SL, only COPY and paste using the built in OS shortcuts.

    I hate having to open two folders just to drag a file to MOVE it, so I had to pay $4 in the MAC App Store to get that functionality...

    Argonaut Hotel San Francisco. Hotel Argonaut, San Francisco,
  • Hotel Argonaut, San Francisco,

  • Multimedia
    Sep 9, 01:15 PM
    Oh yeah, I forgot about the Windows socket limitations. I know it'll be a great performer but a "better" chip will always come out later. Kentsfield appears to be an Extreme Edition chip until quad core trickles down to more normal desktops. Still, I can see some new Mac Pro running off a single Kentsfield.Yeah that will be the Mac Pro Jr. while the rest of the Mac Pros will be running pairs of Clovertowns.

    Apr 11, 10:14 AM
    I agree with the guy who wants any iOS device to be the receiver of AirTunes music.

    I hear all the comments about Home Sharing and Airfoil, but both are only partial solutions that work in specific cases. I, personally, nt my old iPod Touch to function as a battery powered airport express - with some battery powered speakers attached, I can stream music anywhere (including the garden, etc) at the same time - perfect for parties. I could do that with AirFoil, but that means when I want to stream from my iPad to my Apple TV or Airport Express speakers in the living room I need a different solution. Plus i'm not sure the Apple Remote app will allow me to switch AirFoil sources on and off, which means I have to go back to my Mac to change them, it's not properly integrated, so not a great solution. Acceptable, sure, but far from ideal.

    With home sharing, your old iPod Touch already does this. It's just that you get to 'pull' the music from your library to your Touch, rather than pushing it from the computer to the Touch. Really, what more do you want?

    In reality, this is a much better solution than acting as an Airport Express, which only allows you to play one music stream to any or all devices. With home sharing, different devices can listen to different music at the same time.

    Apr 30, 02:21 PM
    I understand where you are coming from. With your feet planted in set in concrete, unable to fathom future developments based on the experimental or high-end tech of the day, the Blu-Ray seems endlessly of value. Much like the tape reels of the 60s.

    The BluRay is going away for one very specific reason: mechanical. By 2016 the flash memory chips for 50gb will probably be so everyday and cheap that bulky, mechanical BluRay will seem awkward. By 2019 I'd bet you can store several times more than a BluRay on medium-priced thumb-drive.

    Proof? Look back 6 years when a 1gb thumb-drive was a huge chunk of cash. Look back 10 years when a 512MB thumb-drive was almost prohibitive to buy. The future is non-mechanical.

    perhaps, don't take it the wrong way but when people buy machines today, they also intend to use it for all the days leading up to the point where you can get 1 TB flashdrives for a few bucks.

    Apr 4, 12:19 PM
    If this "mall cop" also happens to be an off-duty police officer moonlighting at a second job, I'm not surprised at the outcome. Police officers are rightfully taught to shoot to kill. A wounded criminal can still kill an officer wheras a dead one cannot. Unfortunate outcome, but the simple truth is don't commit armed robbery.

    Sep 9, 08:56 AM
    This is interesting. So the frequency difference of 2.16 to 2.66 is 23% yet the MacPro is only 20-30% faster? So clock for clock, the iMac would be between 7% slower and 3% FASTER than the MacPro!

    There is no chance in hell there'll be a Conroe system for some time. This is also the reason the Mac Pros are all quads, a duo would be just as fast for all but the 0.001% of people that do stuff that fully utilizes the quad.

    Lesser Evets
    May 3, 12:30 PM
    macpro dead in 2 prediction:mad:

    We were discussing this a few threads down the front page.

    Doubt the MacPro will be dead, but the market for it will shrivel up very badly unless some universal need for extreme processing is manufactured. With current processing speeds and ThunderBolt accessories, an iMac can become a full pro machine for all sorts of jobs that don't need to work titanic piles of data.

    This Pro I purchased in early 2007 is still excellent. It will last until 2014 or beyond, and by that point I will probably go with an iMac. Today's iMacs are already faster than this tower in most ways.