Face Illusion

Face Illusion
Do you also sometimes have the feeling that you're being watched? And when you look around, nobody is there. Maybe because sometimes faces are on places where you least expect it. When you look at an object, it can look like a face too.
Faces Everywhere 01
Here are more faces in objects. I added a bonus of eight illusions with faces. They're really cool, try if you can recognize faces.
Faces are everywhere
Faces Everywhere 02
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 03
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 04
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 05
Face Illusion with Zip
Faces Everywhere 06
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 07
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 08
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 09
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 10
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 11
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 12
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 13
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 14
Face Illusion
Faces Everywhere 15
Face Illusion
Bonus: Optical Illusion faces
Now let's see how good you are at face recognition. If you seen all faces in the pictures above, these illusions will be a bigger challenge.

Face in Beans

A member of Worth1000 created this illusion. Can you find the face hidden within these beans?
Face in Beans
Face Illusion
It is really there, it took me a while to find it. When I saw it, it was really hard to "not-see" it again!

Face or Vase

Very well-known illusion. What do you see in the image below: A vase or two faces facing each other?
Face or Vase
Face Vase Illusion

Face counting #1

How many faces do you can you find in this image?
Face counting #1
Face Counting Illusion

Face counting #2

How many faces do you can you find in this image?
Face counting #2
Face Illusion

Face counting #3

How many faces do you can you find in this image?
Face counting #3
Face Illusion

John Lennon Illusion

An illusion that will make you freak out. Can you see John Lennon between the lines?
John Lennon Illusion
Face Illusion

A smiling (?) girl

Look at the image below. It looks like a girl turned upside down that is smiling. That is, untill you turn your own head around and try to look at the image "right-face-up".
A smiling (?) girl
Face Illusion
Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion
Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion

Face Illusion


Old or young

Another well-known illusion. What do you see in the image below? An old lady facing to the left, or an young female faced from the back?
Old or young
Face Illusion