werewolf syndrome

images to as quot;werewolf syndrome. werewolf syndrome. Werewolf Syndrome 3. Humlan Live, Scharinska Villan, Umeå. About Humlan
  • Werewolf Syndrome 3. Humlan Live, Scharinska Villan, Umeå. About Humlan

  • voldemar
    02-27 05:33 PM
    Not wrong.. I said it's "being" cancelled..
    OK. I overlooked that.
    The rule, how I understand it, will not do any harm for those people who's I-140 is already approved. But there is still risk if I-140 is not approved and labor substitution is banned.
    So it all depends on how strong the case is and how much risk is tolerable.

    wallpaper Werewolf Syndrome 3. Humlan Live, Scharinska Villan, Umeå. About Humlan werewolf syndrome. as Werewolf Syndrome,
  • as Werewolf Syndrome,

  • caliguy
    09-15 06:21 PM
    Apologies, if this has been asked.

    What is the sequence for using the POJ method for Texas?

    Thanks in advance!

    werewolf syndrome. as Werewolf Syndrome,
  • as Werewolf Syndrome,

  • sureshn22
    12-13 10:04 PM

    My wife appeared for Visa interview on 6th and yet to receive the passport. we booked tickets for this weekend and seems we have to reschedule. I sent a mail to NIV and no response as of now.This is of concern. can anyone tell me about the normal turnaround time for H4 Visas these days?


    2011 as Werewolf Syndrome, werewolf syndrome. as Werewolf Syndrome,
  • as Werewolf Syndrome,

  • DSLStart
    04-09 02:33 PM
    If your file is being touched by an IO or if there is a system wide update, that date will change.
    How do I find out if there has been a Soft LUD? I have an online account on uscis.gov and the "Last Updated" fields are all in 2007 (when I filed my AOS).


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  • werewolf syndrome life

  • FraudGultee
    04-18 04:13 PM
    Congratulations ! All is well which ends well

    werewolf syndrome. Werewolf Syndrome).
  • Werewolf Syndrome).

  • mdmd10
    09-17 11:30 AM
    They're discussing about resolution establishing a task force to conduct an inquiry into whether U.S. District Judge G. Thomas Porteous should be impeached


    werewolf syndrome. “Human Werewolf Syndrome”,
  • “Human Werewolf Syndrome”,

  • piyushmittal
    07-11 10:21 PM
    [QUOTE=sachug22;261611]We know:

    EB1 and EB2-ROW was current the whole year, which means there are not many pending+ready cases.
    They have used all EB3 visas.
    What they are left with is 20,000 visas(10-15% of 140,000 since more than 80% was used in first 3 quarters). This will be mostly for EB2 India/China.

    They may not have enough pending+ready application for pre-april-2004 (previous VB). So they had to moved the date forward to get enough applicantions not to waste the numbers.

    I think the above reasoning is right. They have many visa numbers left and also have visa numbers spilling from EB1. They dont want to waste it (finally!!) thus moved the date forward to approve many visa quickly as they did June 2007 before July fiasco. They approved 30-40 K applications at that time.

    2010 as Werewolf Syndrome, werewolf syndrome. to as quot;werewolf syndrome.
  • to as quot;werewolf syndrome.

  • ak27
    06-14 12:04 PM
    I am not sure whether it is name check or something else. Service rep at infopass told me background check has not come back. I have another appointment on Wed and will try to find out which part of background check is pending. Is there anything IV can help me if it happens to name check?


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  • Corrupt syndrome werewolf

  • amulchandra
    04-01 09:10 PM
    Hi when485,

    Our PDs are close.Mine is jul-06 eb3/I. My family's all 485s had a soft LUD on 03/31/2009 and today 04/01/2009. I am thinking it could be because of 2nd finger print notices for our family.

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  • version werewolf syndrome

  • centaur
    02-05 04:43 PM
    On a personal level, it might be helpful to you, however there are others here who want to --start their own company, change employers, go back to school and over and above all be able breathe without feeling suffocated by the system, and reap benefits of the multiple contributions they have made, for, so many years, to the american society.

    Hello everyone,

    I was just thinking about this the past couple of months and maybe we dont even need to ask for Green cards. MAYBE our approach should be "Let the H4s work". Once husband and wife can both work, the green card can take its time. Right now the Biggest problem with most people is that "my spouse cannot work!". Maybe if we lobby for h4s to be eligible to work that may solve the problem.

    Now before this suggestion creates a HUGE "Dhoom", this is JUST a suggestion. The current political climate does not look like it is going to be easy in any way to put any provisions for Green card increases. Besides if the logic is "Let temporary workers be temporary", this approach fits in with that logic, coz we are not asking for GCs (permanent residency), just more temporary EADs.


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  • Walking corpse syndrome is

  • masti_Gai
    09-13 02:48 PM
    well skill bill will help ppl with MS???
    what about the ppl with BS and having umptin years of experience???
    should we still be in soup:eek:

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  • wandmaker
    06-06 02:26 PM


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  • cellphone
    04-20 03:51 PM
    ignore :D

    whatever the case is, this guy is doing it legally. Granted, he is taking advantage of the loop hole in the system. HOWEVER, it is legal. Trust me, we have taken advantage of several similar system loops holes in our lives.

    Everything is fair game as long as it is legal.

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  • Werewolf Syndrome, or

  • prashanthg
    08-19 03:33 PM
    1. How is the visa spill-over from EB1 to EB2 being distributed, are there no chances of EB3 candidates receiving a portion of it?

    2. What is the rationale for EB3 being unavailable (or moving at snail pace when available) when EB2 dates have been moved to 2006? (Please don't get me wrong, just asking questions)


    1. I don't see any chances of getting any spill overs in the next two years.

    2. There are only 3000 visas available for EB3-I in any given year (7% of EB3 quota). EB3-I will get few more if and when EB3-ROW gets current.


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  • syndrome Billy black,

  • nb_des
    09-14 03:50 PM
    Absolutely. Now with PERM and premium 140, if we can file 485, and then hit the snooze button for 10 years -- no problem for me. I know, not everyone will be lucky to board onto the PERM, but atleast it will be relief for most of us.

    Indirectly illegal worker issue has hurt us. Now more than ever House has a resolve not to allow increase in Visa numbers.

    We should really wake up to the reality and for this year or as a first step just get us to file 485. Believe me even getting this through will be difficult this year.

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  • or werewolf syndrome hey

  • Gravitation
    09-29 02:54 AM
    Was the H1B through a body shopper? I"ve heard of reopening all old cases of a company if they find a dubious H1B sponsorship, or if a company gets blacklisted.

    If your company is solid and your case is genuine... you probably have nothing to worry about.


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  • Also called Werewolf Syndrome

  • sayantan76
    05-23 10:18 PM
    one of the reasons we have not succeeded is precisely because folks want to use their own "intellect" and not do what "IV" needs when it really needs you.
    we do all of the above and more. if you like something more than the other that's perfectly fine and dandy. but if we can't collect a critical mass for an action, we lose effectiveness and shoot ourselves in the foot.
    in a group this large you simply have to help the commom action and agenda for success. each opinion is important but at the end of the day the common action must be done by all, as far as possible.
    paskal - i actually agree with your basic premise.....once the larger body agrees on a basic vision and strategic plan - the tactical manuevers to achieve the vision in line with strategy should be left to leaders.......

    but this principle generally works in two scenarios - either when the leader (or lead group) is appointed by a higher authority (like employees following the lead of a CEO appointed by board of directors which in turn has been "elected" by shareholders) or when the leader has been directly or indirectly elected by the constituents.......

    Let me give an example.......an entrepreneur starts a company with a great idea.....grows it and nurtures it with great love and passion......dedicates his whole life to the idea and the venture.......then the entrepreneur needs a larger canvas and more money to grow the vision further.......he takes the company public or gets private equity funding or raises debt........now the new owners/ stakeholders decide they need to change the management and decide to elect a person of their own choice........suddenly a rank outsider replaces the entrepreneur as CEO........the new CEO now has the legitimacy and owners' backing to dictate how the company should function.....

    I welcome red dots but take a moment to absorb what I am saying and whether the principle is wrong......

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  • chintu25
    07-20 01:21 PM
    Date Delivered To USCIS: July 2nd 2007
    Time Delivered To USCIS: unknown
    Service Center: TSC, NSC etc. Texas
    Rejected: Dont Know

    hairstyles Walking corpse syndrome is werewolf syndrome. “Human Werewolf Syndrome”,
  • “Human Werewolf Syndrome”,

  • misanthrope
    10-03 03:40 PM
    If you have health insurance (which I doubt) go to some doc. and get some life injected. That will certainly help you in your current situation and you may be able to jump to EB1.:D

    May God Bless You.
    This post molests the definition of argument/debate, medical science and logic in general. Actually, it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
    Internet hates you for this post.

    06-17 11:31 AM
    As per my research, this restiriction is there for almost every one (Atleast the one i checked). BUt added advantage with ICICI ot tata AIG, of bajaj allianze is that medical emergency even if it is out of pre-existing conditions are covered. where as the insurance companies in the US do not cover them.

    I used ICICI for my parents. My dad had to use the insurance unfortunately. Due to his age (60 yrs) they paid only part of the expense, but i did not have to pay from my pocket except the prescription medicins.

    In another case, one of my friend had purchased insurance for his mother here in US, she was diabetic, and unfortunately her kidneys failed when she was in US. Insurance company did not pay anything, as it was due to pre-existing condition.

    There are advantages and disadvantages with both. You need to choose based on your condition.

    Hope this helps.

    Please remember that ICICI gives LIMITED coverage for anyone above the age of 56. It is mentioned in the "fine print". They have a restriction of say $1200 per day of hospitalization (not sure of the exact amount- but somewhere in that region).

    The same is true for TATA Travelguard

    It sounds like Comprehensive Insurance from a US company might provide the best "insurance"

    03-13 03:40 PM

    Section 202(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act provides that if total demand will be insufficient to use all available numbers in a particular Employment preference category in a calendar quarter, then the unused numbers may be made available without regard to the annual “per-country” limit. It has been determined that based on the current level of demand being received, primarily by Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices, there would be otherwise unused numbers in the Employment Second preference category. As a result, numbers have once again become available to the India Employment Second preference category. The rate of number use in the Employment Second preference category will continue to be monitored, and it may be necessary to make adjustments should the level of demand increase substantially.

    Does "calendar quarter" mean that only within a fiscal year unused visa numbers are made re-available, but does not spill over to the next fiscal year?

    My take is that there is horizontal spill-over in unused visa numbers - correct?